May 20, 2006

Senior Partner escapes without prison time

The ruling came down today in Superior Court, and senior partner Nathaniel S. Kasowitz escaped without prison time, leading to cheers from his side of the courtroom, and disappointed looks on the faces of the victims who filled the rows in the gallery. When he returned to the office, an impromptu celebration erupted as partners and associates gathered in the conference room to congratulate Mr. Kasowitz and express relief that he would not have to leave his post as head of the Firm's labor and employment law practice. While some junior partners had begun to speculate about who would be moving into Mr. Kasowitz's office, that speculation turned moot, as the dozens of plaintiffs in the related civil case were left to make sure they keep their doors locked at night in the knowledge that Mr. Kasowitz, to the delight of his colleagues, remains a free man.
Contact: © 2006 Henry Holt and Company.