"I never dreamed I'd end up in Baghdad, doing legal work. But here I am."

Buffy W.
Junior Associate

The Baghdad office opened in 1989, and serves as a valuable training ground for associates and partners we deem in need of training and behavior modification. The office consistently turns out attorneys and support staff who return to the states disciplined, dedicated, and ready to work as hard as they can to avoid a return trip halfway across the world. The Baghdad office is delighted to have been undergoing a series of renovations over the past few years, as the exterior and interior have been repeatedly gutted.

Baghdad provides an ideal location for the Firm to develop new technologies in the treatment of our young associates. We are currently working on a weapons program. We are also in the process of developing a chemical spray which will activate the work cells in the brain while disabling the sleep cells. This will enable more productive use of time by our associates and staff. In addition, we are working with Monsanto to develop intravenous food which will provide needed nutrition without requiring the time-intensive eating process. We're very excited about all of these initiatives, and the Baghdad office is playing a key role in bringing them to fruition.

The Baghdad office mascot is the chipmunk.

Contact: jeremy@anonymouslawfirm.com. © 2006 Henry Holt and Company.