June 21, 2006

Firm finally allows associates to celebrate Father's Day

The Firm allowed a selected number of associates to leave the office from noon until 1:45 P.M. this afternoon to spend time with their fathers and celebrate Father's Day, which technically took place this past Sunday. This delay of just three days sets a new record for the Firm, which has averaged 9 months between when a holiday occurs on the calendar, and when associates are able to leave the office to celebrate. Some associates were surprised by the relatively small delay, and were caught off guard. "I had told my dad to be ready to have lunch with me sometime in November," associate Jessica Bartholowitz said, "especially since we just celebrated Thanksgiving 2004 last Tuesday morning at 7:30." The Firm hopes to continue to shorten the time between when events are supposed to happen and when associates can actually celebrate them, with a goal of allowing Christmas 2009 to be celebrated by December 27 of that same year. Many associates are skeptical the goal will be reached, but appreciate the Firm's articulated intentions.
Contact: jeremy@anonymouslawfirm.com. © 2006 Henry Holt and Company.