Notable Experience
Mr. Forrester is one of the nation's leading health care attorneys, with experience in civil and criminal investigations of hospitals, academic medical centers, managed care organizations, pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, home health agencies, durable medical equipment companies, physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, manufacturers of life support systems, grandchildren who help their grandparents commit suicide, and sick people of all types. Mr. Forrester was listed by Us Weekly as one of the Outstanding Healthcare Lawyers of 2005.
Plastic surgery; skeet shooting; laser tag.
Wife, Dee.
Best Experience at the Firm
"I love watching the look in my clients' eyes when you tell them they've won the case and can continue to manufacture their products, practice dangerous medicine, or inadvertently murder people due to their negligence."
Worst Experience at the Firm
"Watching my secretary fall down an open elevator shaft."
Advice to Law Students
"Law may not be the most lucrative career, or the most glamorous, but it's the most arduous, and that's something to be proud of."