Notable Experience
Mr. Farris works primarily out of the Firm's New York office, helping the manufacturers of defective children's toys defend themselves against the victims of toy-related accidents, and against manufacturers who seek to violate our clients' patents by making safer and more child-friendly versions of the toys our clients produce. In his most recent case, Mr. Farris successfully defended the makers of the new Sesame Street-themed toy, "Break Your Neck Elmo."
Web surfing; testing new ways to tamper with Halloween candy.
Virtual wife, three virtual children, all met via the Internet.
Best Experience at the Firm
"I had one case which seemed completely unwinnable, my client had made a Silly Putty knockoff called Highly Toxic Putty, and some children had swallowed some, and suffered severe brain damage, but I was able to get the client off scot-free, so he could continue manufacturing the product, and others like Inky, a version of the Slinky that sprays the user's with a permanent dye that causes cancer."
Worst Experience at the Firm
"The day my secretary was out sick and I had to file my own billing reports."
Advice to Law Students
"My goal in law was to make people’s life’s better, and make big piles of money. Zero out of two ain’t bad. You can do it too, if you set your mind to it."