Practice Areas
• Litigation

• B.A. (Hons), University of Sydney, 2003
• LL.B. (Hons), University of Sydney, 2005
Michael Helleman
New York

Notable Experience
Mr. Helleman is an associate in the firm’s litigation practice. In his four years with the firm he has acted as counsel on a number of high-profile litigation matters brought by clients of the firm against non-government and not-for-profit organisations. He hopes to make partner next year so that he can add a middle initial to his name.

Winning; identical twin sisters; smoking cigars.

“Thanksgiving is a pain in the ass.”

Best Experience at the Firm
"Seeing those losers in pro bono opening their bonus checks."

Worst Experience at the Firm
"The time we mentored those local high-school kids for a day. I mean, hell, she told me she was legal."

Advice to Law Students
"Mediation and arbitration are for sissies. There’s no such thing as ‘win-win’. Grow some balls."

Contact: © 2006 Henry Holt and Company.